Highcliffe St Mark Science Blog

If you have blue eyes is your little finger going to be longer?

Red Kites wanted to find out if the children with blue eyes have a longer little finger than those without blue eyes. 

We divided the class into children with blue eyes and other colour eyes. We then measured everyones little finger. We found out there is no difference between children with blue eyes and those without.

Interestingly, we then had a look at whether there is a difference with children who are male or female. We found out that the boys in the class have longer little fingers than the girls in the class.

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Water movement

In Red Kites we wanted to investigate the movement of water and why water might move from one area to another. Mr Harrison set up these jars. He put food colouring in the jars so we could keep track of the water’s movement.


Maybe no water will move.

Possibly all the water from both jars will go into the middle jar.

The water will all soak up into the kitchen towel.

We found out that the water did move into the middle jar. We could tell that because the water in the middle jar because more purple than blue. We think the red food colouring must be made differently to the blue food colouring because it got trapped into the kitchen paper. This is why the water wasn’t a deep purple.

We found out that the water stopped moving when they were all at the same level.

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Investigating fire in Year 2

Year 2 were busy making predictions about what would happen to the flames in different situations.  It looks like they had lots of fun.

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Investigating sound in Year 3

In Year 3 we discussed how sound travels and how different types of sounds are made. It was also the only day that the children will ever be allowed to twang rulers!


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Air resistance in Barn Owls

Barn owls carried out an experiment to see if a glider, a paper aeroplane or a helicopter would stay in the air the longest. They had lots of fun learning about the effect of air resistance on different shapes.

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Science week in Year 4

Year 4 began their Science week with a walk around the school grounds to gather leaves. Back in the classroom we identified them and then produced bar charts to show what we found.

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